Best But Cheapest Whey Protein

The best and cheapest protein powders Singapore for gym rats, even if you’re just beginning your fitness journey. Find out now with Ultimate Sup.

Singaporeans are becoming more health-conscious, and any gym rat can tell you the difference between regular bicep curls and preacher curls.

You may want to supplement your diet with protein powder, vitamin tablets, or other supplements after you've reached a point where just working out and eating well isn't enough. Here are the 10 cheapest and best protein powders Singapore to consider for both muscle growth or weight loss needs.

What Are Protein Powders?

Protein powders are powdered protein sources such as soybeans, peas, rice, potatoes, or hemp, eggs and milk (casein or whey protein). Other additives in the powders could include added sugars, artificial flavors, thickeners, vitamins, and minerals. Protein per scoop can range from 10 to 30 grams.

The following are the three basic types:

  • Protein concentrates are made by extracting protein from whole foods with the help of heat, acid, or enzymes. These typically provide 60–80% protein, with the remaining 20–40% fat and carbohydrates.

  • Protein isolates: A further filtering procedure removes even more fat and carbohydrates, concentrating the protein even more. Protein isolate powders have an average protein content of 90–95%.

  • Protein hydrolysates are a type of protein broken down into smaller pieces. Your body and muscles more readily absorb hydrolysates because they are produced by further heating with acid or enzymes, which dissolves the links between amino acids.

The Best Type Of Protein Powders To Take

Whey protein is the most effective one. It comes from milk and is separated from the curds during the cheesemaking process. It's abundant in protein, but it also contains lactose, a milk sugar many people have trouble digesting.

While whey protein concentrate contains some lactose, the isolate version contains relatively less since most milk sugar is lost during processing.

Whey protein has been shown in studies to help athletes gain and retain muscle mass, recover from intense exercise, and increase muscle strength in response to strength training.

Following resistance training, whey protein enhanced muscle protein synthesis (MPS) 31% more than soy protein and 132% more than casein protein, according to one research in young men. 

However, a recent 10-week study found that postmenopausal women responded to resistance training in the same way they consumed whey protein or a placebo.

Besides, according to specific research, whey protein may also lower inflammation and improve key heart health markers in overweight and obese individuals.

Now, let's take a look at the list of top protein powders in Singapore so you can work things out more accessible. 

10 Best But Cheap Protein Powders Singapore

Continue reading: Best but cheapest protein powders


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